Christopher Russell Mail-In Autograph Service: Orders Due October 24th

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⭐ Christopher Russell is best known as Trey Bowman in Day of the Dead, Barrett in Land of the Dead, Milton Richter in Star Trek: Discovery, Chet Walters in Peppermint and Postcards, Travis McLeary in Yellowstone Romance, Patrick Armstrong in The Secret Gift of Christmas, Tristan in Operation Nutcracker, and Mark North in Chasing Waterfalls

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Please note the JSA certification for this event will be a witnessed signing.

Event Schedule

🗓️ Autograph Orders for Halloween & Harvest Festival Due by October 24th @ 11:59pm ET
🗓️ Send In Orders for Halloween & Harvest Festival Due by October 13th, Deliver by October 18th


These items cannot be combined. Each item can only be autographed by the person(s) listed in the title.

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